General information

Congress Venue and date
Hotel “Dubrovnik”, Ljudevita Gaja 1, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
June 12 and 13, 2015

Registration of participants and accompanying persons by: REGISTRATION FORM

The Congress will be organised in a form of oral presentations, video projections, workshops and poster presentations.

Paper and abstract submission deadline has been extended to April 10, 2015

Oral or poster presentation will not be alloved without paying a registration fee (except invited speakers presentations).

Papers and abstracts will be reviewed and published in Journal “Periodicum biologorum 2015″ with ISBN indexing in SCI database, volume 117, number 2, 2015 (for more info see: Periodicum biologorum)

Official Congress languages
English and Croatian (simultaneous translation will not be provided)

Oral presentation can be in Croatian or English. All presenting materials must be in English.

Official emblems
All registered participants and accompanying persons will receive official Congress emblem.

Social programme
Cultural and social events are planned for the Congress participants.

How to reach Zagreb?
For direction on how to arrive in Zagreb visit “Zagreb tourist info”

Participation in the Congress program will be evaluated on the basis of rules of professional improving and verification for physicians by the Croatian Medical Chamber. The Participation Certificate will be handed to all participants with regulated registration fee.