Abstract submission

Instructions for abstract submission

- Abstracts must be written in English
- Abstracts should not exceed 250 words, Times New Roman font, 12 pts
- Title must be concize but informative
- Names of the authors should begin in a new line, full first and family name of each author, without titles, in capital letters
- Institutional affiliation. List institution(s), city and country in a new line of each author
- e-mail of the presenting author should be written below
- Text of the abstract should be submitted in the structured form including following headings: Background and purpose, Materials (Patients) and methods, Results, Conclusions
- Please do not cite references

Please send your abstract to e-mail: info@hdraa.com.hr

Submission deadline has been EXTENDED to:
April 30, 2015

Notification of acceptance:
April 25, 2015 for abstrats send before deadline extension, and May 5 2015 for other abstracts

Authors should pay the registration fee by April 25, 2015

The best abstracts will be included in oral presentation section, the rest accepted in poster section.


Please note the following:

3 minutes oral presentation + 2 minutes discussion in front of your poster.
Posters must be portrait-style, 100 cm high and 80 cm wide.

Oral presentations
7 minutes oral presentation + 3 minutes discussion. On-site computer support will be provided. You may bring you presentation on a CD or a memory stick (USB flash memory).

Abstracts will be published in Periodicum Biologorum Supplement, and original scientific papers in upcoming issue of Periodicum biologorum.

Time and date of you presentation as well as the ID number of your abstract will be provided soon at PROGRAM KONGRESA i PREZENTACIJA POSTERA

For additional info contact: info@hdraa.com.hr